Purchase Spray Stain Remover with Soo-Yun Enzymes 30153 at 129 руб — Faberlic Online Store.

Quantity/Volume: 150 mL

LOGO Korean art of home care

The Soo-Yun line is home cosmetics created according to Korean traditions. These are convenient and multi-effective products for simple, quick and enjoyable cleaning. Complex formulas are developed based on special combinations of traditional Korean cleansing components.

Enzyme stain remover sprayhas a special formula for difficult and old stains with Enzyme Power technology. Effectively removes contaminants of unknown nature and traces of common food stains.

сила энзимов CyzXbi

  • Removes difficult, dried and old stains
  • Does not contain chlorine or bleaches
  • Suitable for pre-treating stains and intensifying washes
  • Can be used for white and colored fabrics, cleaning upholstery
  • Convenient for processing collars, cuffs, socks, sleeves and local stains
  • Effectively removes traces of grease, grease, food stains, fatty and starchy sauces, yogurt, tea and coffee, blood, grass, sweat, pen and ink ink

A Concentrated formula based on green soap, saponins (soap nuts) and natural enzymes ensures active breakdown and removal of a wide range of contaminants.

Complex of traditional Korean extracts helps cleanse and soften fabrics, improves sensory sensations of clothes and fabrics when worn and used after washing.

орех Sapindus Mukorossi Fruit (soap nut extract)

used as a natural cleanser rich in saponins. Strengthens the effect of other detergent components, gently and effectively removes dirt and softens fabrics.

лакрица Portulaca Oleracea Glycyrrhiza Uralensis (Licorice) Root (licorice root extract)

used to soften and soothe skin; softens the effect of detergent components, adds comfort and improves the feeling when using clothes.

Certificate of state registration

Shelf life: 24 months from the date of manufacture indicated on the package

Made for JSC Faberlic, located at 4, Nikolopolskaya str., Moscow, Russia.
Made in:: Russia

More than 30%: water; 5-15%: nonionic surfactants (based on palm kernel oil); less than 5%: coconut oil amidopropyl betaine, potassium soap (green soap from vegetable oils), biodegradable complexing agent, enzyme complex (protease, amylase), saponins (Sapindus Mukorossi Fruit Extract), purslane extract (Portulaca Oleracea Extract), extract licorice root (Glycyrrhiza Uralensis (Licorice) Root Extract), citric acid, preservative.

Pre-treatment: 15-30 minutes before washing, spray the product onto stains or contaminated areas of a dry item (until they are well moistened), rub lightly, leave for a while, then wash in the usual way.

Cleaning upholstery: Apply the product to a stain for 15-30 minutes, wipe with a slightly damp cloth until the halo is removed, then wipe with a dry cloth and let dry.

For bright fabrics or fabrics with unstable dyes, first test in an inconspicuous place.

Do not use on fabrics made of wool, silk, or items with down filling.

Precautionary measures:use only for its intended purpose! Store in closed packaging, separate from food products, out of reach of children. Carefully! May be harmful if swallowed. If swallowed, rinse mouth with water. May cause irritation if in contact with skin or eyes. If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with clean water. If necessary, consult a doctor. Wash your hands after use.

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Elena K.
Работает! Отстирала пуховик - на рукавах такое было... И - словно не было)))
Oksana Z.
Новый продукт впечатлил. я и раньше пользовалась спреем-пятновыводителем,но он не справился с маленькими пятнышками-брызгами на футболке. Когда получила новый спрей, побрызгала просто так,можно сказать. После стирки пятен не осталось. отличный пятновыводитель.
Ol'Ga L.
попрыскала на пятно с кровью и стирала с порошком и пятновыводителем и пятно исчезло
Svetlana E.
хороший продукт! вывел пятна жира и жёлтого пота на белых изделиях! рекомендую!
Elizaveta A.
Отличный пятновыводитель. Удалил пищевые красители с полотенца . Просто обработала спреем пятна и в стиралку с корейским порошком. Теперь это мой фаворит!
Natal'Ya F.
Отличный пятновыводитель! Просто супер! я отстирала мужу джинсы от мазута!!!! даже пятен не осталось! муж хотел их выбросить, когда их увидел, сказал, что я ведьма😊.
Tatyana I.
Новый Оскол
Очень классный, отстирал зеленку и масляную краску. Краску до стирки обработала и потерла немного, шорты чёрные из футера не изменили цвет. Теперь этот продукт мой фаворит.
Tat'Yana V.
Замечательный спрей,дочке удалила пятна с колен,после падения.Рекомендую.
Larisa B.
Удаляет на столе даже зелёнку , простым движением пальца и кстати) палец в порядке 👍
Oksana S.
С помощью этого спрея легко удалились пятна от крови с одежды.
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