Purchase Molecular Force Reproductive System Support for Women Dietary Supplement 15846 at 2399 руб — Faberlic Online Store.

Weight: 29 g, Quantity/Volume: 150 mL

Molecular Force is a dietary supplement designed to provide comprehensive health support across body systems. All formulas in the series are enhanced with the BioPerine® component - a patented black pepper fruit extract that increases bioavailability of active substances.

Reproductive System Support for Women Dietary Supplement has an impact on female hormonal imbalances, normalizing them through a combination of a powerful source of phytohormones and epigenetic estrogen modulators. Supports the entire endocrine system.

  • Normalizes estrogen balance (menstrual cycle, PMS)
  • Suppresses excessive cell proliferation
  • Eliminates chronic inflammation
  • 60 capsules 478 mg each

Pueraria extract is a natural functional analogue of human estrogens, which activates estrogen receptors in the central nervous system, mammary glands and pelvic organs. Replenishes estrogen deficiency without the use of any hormones, restores regular menstrual cycle. Reduces inflammation in pelvic organs and mammary glands, eliminates neurological symptoms of PMS, including irritability, sleep disturbances and high blood pressure.

Green tea extract and diindolemethanehave an epigenetic effect, i.e. they normalize estrogen receptors and inhibit cascades of inflammatory processes, which leads to an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents excessive cell proliferation.

halal copy


and dietary supplements

Contents in daily dose

(2 capsules)

% of daily intake for adults

Pueraria mirifica root extract

200.0 mg


Green tea (Camellia sinensis) leaf extract, including:

Epigallocatechin gallate

100.0 mg




Diindolymethane (3,3-Diindolymethane)

100.0 mg


Black pepper (Piper nigrum) fruit extract (BioPerine®), standardized for piperine content (95%)

5.0 mg


1Adequate level of daily consumption according to requirements of the EurAsEC (Appendix 5).
BioPerine® is a registered trademark of Sabinsa Corporation.

Halal Certificate

Certificate of state registration

Shelf life: 3 years from the date of manufacture indicated on the package

Made for JSC Faberlic, located at 4, Nikolopolskaya str., Moscow, Russia.
Made in:: Russia

Microcrystalline cellulose (carrier), Pueraria mirifica roots extract, beef gelatin (capsule shell), green tea leaf extract, diindolemethane, black pepper fruit extract (BioPerine®), standardized for piperine content (95%), amorphous silicon dioxide (anti-caking agent) .

Adults: 2 capsules 1 time per day with meals. Duration of treatment – ​​1 month. If necessary, the reception can be repeated throughout the year.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use. It is not recommended to take together with art. 15843 “Endocrine system support for women.”

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