Beautiful Awakening! New products in catalogue №8 | Faberlic

Dream Therapy product series contains the secret formula of healthy sleep: melatonin, special aromatic composition, and oxygen complex. Unique ingredients improve sleep quality, promote skin regeneration, and help you wake up feeling rested. Introducing you the new arrivals of the catalogue:

Eye Serum was created specifically for the active skin restoration during the nighttime. It intensively moisturizes, reduces dark undereye circles and delays age-related changes. Its applicator with three massage rollers improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage.

Relax Sleep Mist is designed for quick sleep onset and cheerful awakening. Its aromatic composition creates a comfortable atmosphere, wraps in a magic scent and helps relax. Spray the Mist on open body parts, in the bedroom, on pillows and bedsheets. Sweet dreams!