Promotions | Faberlic
Premium Bonus to New Directors

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Unlock the rank of Director and get a bonus of 100,000 rubles for this!

Promo periods: 16/2024 - 5/2025

Countries participating in the promo: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey.

Promo Participants:

Leaders who have never opened the rank of Director

Leaders who first opened the rank of Director in period 14 and (or) 15/24.

Set of Premium Dishware as a Gift for VIP Consultants!

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Participate in the largest promo for VIP Consultants and get a premium set of dishes of 17 items as a gift (for 1 ruble instead of 32,000 rubles)!

The countries participating in the promo are: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.

Periods: 16/24 – 5/25 (October 28 – March 30)

Faberlic Precious Trip to Vietnam - 2025

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Participate in the Faberlic Precious Trip program and go on a fabulous trip with like-minded people to Vietnam!

Program periods: 16/24 – 15/25

Comparative program period: periods 16/23 – 1524

Participants: all Consultants

Countries participating in the program: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan.

Your income in your Faberlic Personal Profile and The Millionaire Club

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Now, in Personal Profiles on, each Consultant and Leader can see their personal income.

The topmost block shows the amount you earned during the entire period of cooperation with the company (data since 2014).

You can also view detailed income for a specific period or year. The following information will be available to you:

Faberlic Drive Programme

Faberlic DriveProfessional programme Faberlic Drive. is accessible to all VIP Representatives. Promos and projects, ratings and awards, motivation and recognition–all these will be gathered here in the unified system so that everyone of us felt true drive from achievements, growth, and participation in joint activities! 

You'll see Faberlic Drive banner in your personal profiles. Upon clicking it, you'll be transferred to Faberlic Drive platform. Also, you can get there by clicking Log in using Faberlic login and password.


How do I participate in Faberlic Drive programme?

Updated Quick Start Bonus Terms for Russian Leaders

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Quick Start is a bonus for rapid business development in the company. Make a business breakthrough, strengthen your structure and double earned bonuses! If you reach rank from Director to Elite Director within short period of time, you may get double Qualification Bonuses! 

Quick Start terms in periods 6/2022 – 18/2024 (Newcomer registration before December 22, 2024) for Representatives and Leaders of Russia:

Faberlic Promo Code Store


Invest in your personal business development with Faberlic, recruit even more Newcomers and increase the repetitive activity of Buyers with the help of Promo Code Store.

It's simple: buy a promo code for the amount you need and give it to your Customers to pay for their orders. Design your own promotions and choose gifts!

Faberlic Gift Certificates


December is the time of surprises and gifts! Make your friends and family happy with the great range of our products - give them a Faberlic Certificate!

From 6 December all Representatives in Russia can purchase gift certificates that are already available in the Services section.

You can buy the following certificates:

  •  A gift certificate for 1,000 rub.
  •  A gift certificate for 2,000 rub.
  •  A gift certificate for 3,000 rub.
